
Choose The New Homepage Pic

It is time to change our homepage photo,and since Paul's 68th birthday is coming soon,I've choosen seven photos from the seven past decades.
Choose your favorite.


Mary's Style

The Irish Times - Saturday, May 29, 2010

My style

Mary McCartney . Photographer, daughter of Paul, sister of Stella and Derby day style judge

Where do you shop ?

 I love scouring markets and vintage shops like Alfies off the Edgeware Road and Portobello Market [in London]. I love 1940s dresses, flouncy chiffon dresses and old 1950s black dresses. I love Libertys and Selfridges. I do a lot of shopping, just walking and wandering around. I look at textiles and colour and then shape.

What do you buy ?

 I’m 40 and I like things that are fashionable but simple. I love Stella and I get a good discount there. I like Marni and I like sparkly things and lots of black.

Is there anything you wouldn’t wear ?

I don’t wear clingy tops or synthetic materials. I buy shoes from Stella and wedges from Castaner. A recent buy was a pair of striped ballerinas for £12 from New Look. I like bargains.

Do you collect jewellery ?

I like jewellery, particularly if it has a story. These diamond earrings were given to me by my dad.

The necklace was a present from my boyfriend and the locket was from my kids.

I like collecting things; these earrings belonged to my mum. She used to wear a lot of vintage dresses, but she wasn’t a hoarder.

Your style icon ?

 Renée Lartigue, wife of the photographer Jacques-Henri Lartigue in the 1930s and 1940s. She wore floppy hats, well-cut pieces and always looked great.

Were you always interested in fashion?

 Yes, I haven’t always followed it up, but I do more now. I quite like classic things that don’t date quickly. I tend to invest in a nice tailored jacket, dress or winter coat.

What’s the challenge of portraiture ?

 It’s to do your subjects justice and make an interesting picture and capture them in one frame.
As a young photographer in my 20s, I was terrified of Helen Mirren but she was very kind and giving. Lady Devonshire is very stylish and Vivienne Westwood knows what she wants. I photographed Twiggy dressed as Garbo and Tracey Emin as Frida Kahlo as part of a project – they’re in my book From Where I Stand.

What will you be looking for at the Derby ?

I will be whittling it down to the top six [most stylish women] and the general public will pick the winner. Judging is difficult as it is quite subjective, but personally I don’t like artificial looks – although Lady Gaga is amazing and gets away with it. There could be a girl with bleached hair and fake tan who looks amazing – some people get away with it – but I am also hoping to find diversity and elegant older women who are stylish, cool, calm and collected. I’ll be looking for people not following trends to the letter, who show their own individual style and not the look of the season.

Mary McCartney is a portrait and fashion photographer. She is this year’s judge for the most stylish competition at the Irish Derby on June 27th. An exhibition of her portraits, Collective Works, is currently at Kildare Village



Chelsea Flowers SHOW 2010

This girl is really gorgeous,what a beautiful complexion she has,can't believe she's 40,with 03 babies.Lucky Simon.

John By Linda 1974

Rude Studio


George Martin

Paul At BBC Radio

Little Heather

Paul McCartney - "The Lovely Linda"

Paul McCartney - "The Lovely Linda"


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

by Jessy Krupa

Similar to how Barry Lenser set out to profile every song by the Beatles in a series of Sound Affects posts last year, I’ve decided to do the same for the solo work of Paul McCartney. In this installment, we take a look at “The Lovely Linda” the first track off McCartney’s first solo album, McCartney.

Though McCartney was a No.1 hit album that went double platinum in the US, it is still mostly remembered for the controversy behind it. Released the same month as Let It Be, it spelled the end of the Beatles. To this day, certain fans blame McCartney for the group’s break-up, and comments by his former bandmates about the quality of his early solo work didn’t help matters much.

However, “The Lovely Linda” fits in with the album’s overall low-key, do-it-yourself approach. Recorded as a way to quickly test out his new Studer 4-track tape recorder that he had installed in his home, it is arguably McCartney’s first ever solo recording. I say “recording” because I’m not really sure if it can be considered as an entire song or not. It’s only 43 seconds long and is comprised of 30 words, if you count the la’s. In fact, McCartney himself once referred to it as “a trailer to the full song which will be recorded in the future”. However, Webster’s dictionary defines a song as either a “short poem set to music” or “the act or practice of singing”. Whether it is or isn’t really a whole song doesn’t really matter, though, because it is so pleasant and has a certain charm to it. You can’t help but be touched by the story behind its meaning. Like much of the album that it appears on, it is a delightful ode to Linda McCartney, Paul’s wife and future Wings bandmate. As a matter of fact, it has been said that you can hear her footsteps walking through the room in the background.

Next time, we’ll look at “That Would Be Something”, another song inspired by Linda.


Paul And Jimi


Vintage Stella


The world through Mary's eyes

Irish Independent

The world through Mary's eyes

By Bairbre Power Fashion Editor

Saturday May 22 2010

SHE was the cute baby tucked inside her dad's leather jacket -- a casual family snap which became an iconic record cover.

Beatles fans rushed to buy Paul McCartney's first solo album and his daughter Mary's baby photo ended up in millions of record collections around the world.

Forty years on, Mary McCartney has become a photographer like her late mother Linda, who took that photo of proud Paul as a first-time dad in 1970. Yesterday Mary opened an exhibition of her work at Kildare Village shopping outlet.

The mother of two returns to Ireland next month to be a celebrity judge in the Most Stylish Lady competition at the Dubai Duty-Free Irish Derby in the Curragh on Sunday, June 27.

The winner's prize includes a €3,000 shopping spree at Kildare Village, plus a portrait photograph taken by Mary, whose celebrity 'sitters' have included her fashion-designer sister Stella as well as actress Helen Mirren -- one of her "scariest commissions, because it was one of my first pictures as a professional photographer back in the 1990s," Mary said.

The Kildare Village exhibition -- Mary's first in Ireland -- includes photographs which previously hung at the National Portrait Gallery in London and pieces from her exhibition 'Off Pointe: A Photographic Study of the Royal Ballet After Hours', an insight into the private world of the elite Corps de Ballet.

The exhibition at Kildare Village includes photographs of her father going on stage with Bono and U2 at Live 8 in 2006 and artist Tracey Emin dressed as Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, which Mary says is one of her favourites.

"My mum gave me a little 35mm Leica camera when I was in my late teens," Mary said. "She always had a camera on her. She made it look quite easy and it was part of our everyday life."

Linda died aged 56 from cancer in 1998, the year that Mary married. "I still have that camera my mother gave me," Mary said. "It reminds me of her, so I love to use it."

While Mary occasionally uses a digital camera, she confesses she loves going to a job with her Leica and a bag of film.

"There is always the excitement of getting the contact sheet back and going through them. It's a bit like that Christmas-morning feeling. Will it be as good as I want it to be? Did I capture something I didn't realise?"

The exhibition is free and runs until 31 July.
- Bairbre Power Fashion Editor