


Supporting Breast Cancer Awareness is an issue that’s close to your heart. What’s been your biggest motivation in raising awareness? 
Awareness about Breast Cancer is one of the most important things in the world. There are so many women affected by this terrible disease and even more people affected by the loss of the incredible women in their lives.
It doesn’t just affect the person with the illness, but affects everyone around them and their loved ones.
There are preventive ways that can help; having knowledge of your body, maintenance and upkeep. Raising awareness on breast cancer is critical. Women these days are extremely busy. They have huge lists of things to do every day, but health has to be on the top of the list, it must be a priority.
You have designed a pink Stella McCartney lingerie set with proceeds going to the Linda McCartney Centre.  How do you hope this will help generate increased support this year for Breast Cancer Awareness?
We designed the pink lingerie set with the proceeds going to the Linda McCartney Center in Liverpool to help fund a new Mammography suite.
 wanted to remind women that when they wear this set, the first thing they put on in the morning, to keep on top of their health and visit their doctor regularly. I wanted it to be the initial starting point of awareness of this terrible illness. Not only does the set serve as a healthy reminder, but it looks great, fits incredible well, and is comfortable and stylish.
What simple things can people do to help the cause?
Promoting awareness and talking about the cause is a really simple and easy way to help. Talk about your experiences, be honest, be truthful, remind people and push people. I think it’s really important.
If I had known then, what I know today about breast cancer, I think my mum would still be alive and I don’t think there is anything more important than having your loved ones in your lives for as long as possible. If you can prevent this illness coming into your life and destroying your family unit, then there is nothing more important. I can’t think of anything more important than staying healthy for yourself and for your loved ones.
Kate Moss features in the awareness campaign – how was her involvement with this initiated?
Kate is in the campaign because we have known each other for a long time and she kindly agreed to be part of it on the day of our Winter 2014 ad campaign shoot. It’s also a big deal for Kate to bring awareness to this cause. It’s something that she has never done before, Kate is a strong feminine woman with a daughter and a husband; a strong family unit. For her it was important to bring awareness to this campaign to keep families together.
Women are a big integral part of the family unit, they keep and hold families together and are a source of strength.
How will you be supporting Breast Cancer Awareness this month? Was there something in particular that inspired the lingerie set?
The main idea was to create something that initiates awareness for women to keep healthy. So we decided to make something stylish, with an eye catching pop of colour so that even just opening your drawer and even if you see it and don’t wear it, it’s a reminder.

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