
Nawel is Still Alive

Hi everyone!
I know that I haven't posted anything for a while,but I've been moving houses,and my intenet is still not working.
I have been very touched by your kind messages.
And yes Sissialexandra,the blog is still on,I have plenty of pix to share with you,so please keep cheking out this blog.
PS:the new house is pretty cool.


Xavier said...

I' m very happy ! Your blog is terrible.
It's a good news for macca's fans
Bon courage

Anonymous said...

So glad to see you here!
I was worried that you had ended the blog.

Since 1963 said...

Glad you're back!

Diane said...

Yeah!!! I'm so relieved to know it was just life getting in the way! I hope you enjoy your new house! Thanks for keeping us posted!

Faustine said...

I'm glad to have news :) and I look forward to seeing your next updates and photos!

Faustine said...

Oh and Happy Birthday to James McCartney! It's September 12th!!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I'm very glad that you continue!

wordsmith said...

Hooray! :-)

And congrats on your new house!

sunshine said...

great news, i really love you and the pics that you post here that i am constantly saving and posting on my tumblr;;;;; i am nothing without you <33

Klsbsw said...

Oh thank goodness you've not deserted us Macca fans! Miss your posts and glad nothing worse than moving has happened.