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Sir Paul McCartney and Warren Buffett snapped on bench by Omaha teenagers

Pop legend and billionaire feature in ultimate impromptu photo while enjoying a break

To grab a picture alongside Warren Buffett is impressive, to get the billionaire and Sir Paul McCartney in the same shot is astonishing.
However four teenagers in Omaha, Nebraska struck lucky after being tipped off that Paul McCartney had been enjoying an ice cream at a local parlour.
The four boys – Tom White, Jacob Murray, Drew Tvrdy and Luke Koester – leapt into a car and drove to the eCreamery store as quickly as they could.
“I was at home in the house when my friend saw an instagram of Paul eating an ice cream,” Tom White, 16, told the Telegraph.
“Drew grabbed his guitar and Luke a vinyl album and we went as fast as we could to the bench where they were sitting.
"Paul couldn’t sign the guitar or the vinyl, but he was very nice.”
But the pop star, who has been recovering after being admitted into hospital because of a virus infection, raised no objection when Jacob, 16, took a photo of Tom in front of the bench, where he was sitting alongside Warren Buffett.
According to Luke, the two men could not have been more friendly.
“Paul asked if Drew played guitar, which he said was pretty cool.
“They were very nice.”
The encounter lasted about five minutes before a car appeared and drove the two men away.