

PETA mark Paul McCartney's birthday with vegan flash mob on Mathew Street

Animal rights group wore masks of Beatle's face and handed out meat-free snacks outside the Cavern Club.
FANS of former Beatle Paul McCartney flocked to Mathew Street to celebrate his birthday and to encourage the public to consider trying out a vegan diet.
Supporters of the high-profile vegetarian, who is 72 today, wore Macca facial masks to show their support for the group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).
They stood outside The Cavern and caught the attention of tourists visiting the famous street.
Campaigners offered veggie sausages to passers-by and DVDs of Sir Paul’s PETA video exploring the meat industry. PETA associate director Mimi Bekhechi, said: “We’re sure that Paul will be delighted we’ve chosen to honour his birthday by encouraging the public to give vegetarianism a try.”

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