

James' Interviews

James is doing some promo for his double album 'The Complete Collection",and his tour, he did a 2 TV appearences' ,and gave interviews to the BBC, The Liverpool Echo and the Sunday Times,that I'm sharing with you here.

Meanwhile James and band performed At The Borderline In London Yesterday,and and is scheduled to perform in the Cavern in Liverpool today,and in Dublin tomorow.

Here is The Setlist:

New York Times
I Only Want To Be Alone
Spirit Guides
Fallen Angel
My Friend
The Sound Of My Voice
Wings Of A Lightest Weight
Old Man

Else And Else But Dead


James McCartney: Why I feel at home in Liverpool ahead of Cavern gig

FIFTY years after his dad made a Liverpool cellar one of the most famous music venues in the world, another James McCartney will be playing The Cavern on Mathew Street.
Of course, a few things have changed. The Cavern has been demolished and rebuilt, and the McCartney on the stage is not one of The Beatles, but his only son, also James.
Named after both his grandfather Jim McCartney and his dad, James Paul McCartney, the James McCartney who plays at The Cavern tonight has an eye on the future, as well as an awareness of the musical heritage he is a part of.
“It’s cool to think I’ll get to play where my dad played, well all the Beatles played, all those years ago,” says James, 34.
“When my manager booked the tour I knew I wanted to play Liverpool. I have a lot of family there. I always say I’m half Liverpudlian, half American. I like to think I have a tiny bit of an accent.
“I enjoyed playing the 02 Academy in 2010, and The Cavern seemed like the next step.
“I’d met (Cavern director) Bill Heckle in a restaurant once and he gave me his card. I’m looking forward to playing in such an iconic venue.”
James is touring to promote his first physical release, The Complete EP Collection.
The two-disc set, produced by David Kahne and Paul McCartney, includes James' debut EPs, originally only released digitally, along with an additional EP of five new tracks, partly recorded at Abbey Road.
“It’s an exciting thing to look at a physical copy of something that’s only existed digitally before,” says James.
“The fans asked for it. They wanted something they could hold onto, so we did it. I’m glad we did.”
Nowadays many music fans only buy and listen to their music digitally.
“I listen mostly on my computer or on my iPod,” explains James.
“I have a record player in the garage. I want to get it out and start playing more vinyl.
“But there is an iPad app that Neil Young showed me where you can make digital tracks sound like vinyl.”

He mentions the Canadian Godfather of grunge like anyone else might talk about any other family friend.
“Yeah, I’ve been very lucky,” James says. “That night was great. There was Neil Young, Elvis Costello, my dad and me all sitting around. I think it was the night before the Grammys.”
James grew up surrounded by the world’s most famous musicians.
He spent the first two and a half years of his life on the road while his parents toured with Wings, was playing the guitar by the time he was nine, and on first name terms with most of the most influential music and art figures in the world.

He’s tried his hand at art, sculpture and architecture.
“I like sculpting, etching, I’d like to do more stonecarving, but I just need the tools.
“I’d like to give acting a go sometime, but that’s really hard to get into.”
With so many strings to his bow, it must be hard to decide how to use his creativity. In a way, music must be the hardest, if only because it must be daunting to live up to the family name.
“When I was a kid I used to run away from it,” he admits. “Now I embrace it a lot more.”
He’s stepped out from the shadows, and his pseudonym Light, to release his new music in his own name. He’s also working with his dad on some of his new tracks, as well as contributing to some of Sir Paul’s Flaming Pie and Driving Rain albums.
There was a guitar solo on Flaming Pie’s Heaven on a Sunday, while on Driving Rain, he co-wrote the songs Spinning On An Axis and Back In The Sunshine Again, also playing percussion on the former track and guitar on the latter.
He also played lead guitar on mum Linda’s posthumously released solo album, Wide Prairie, which included tracks recorded privately over the previous 20 years.
“My mum was a wonderful lady, my dad is a genius. They taught me so much.
“They gave all of us (James has an older half-sister Heather, as well as older sisters Stella and Mary and younger sister Beatrice) creative freedom to be whoever we wanted to be.
“One day I would love to have a family of my own. If I have a little boy I’ll call him James. I’d love to teach him how to play the guitar.
“But most importantly I’d like to give my children the support and the freedom that my mum and dad gave to me. “I couldn’t have asked for a better family.”
James McCartney plays the Cavern tonight. See
From The BBC:

Paul McCartney's son James on playing the Cavern Club

Sir Paul McCartney's son James is launching his own music career and is following in his father's footsteps with a gig at the Cavern Club in Liverpool, where The Beatles made their name, on Tuesday.
James has played on two of his father's albums and Sir Paul has co-produced his son's two EPs, including during sessions at Abbey Road studios.
The 34-year-old's singer-songwriter's Liverpool show will be followed by a gig in Dublin on Wednesday before a US tour.

Q. Did you want to go to the Cavern to play in the venue where it all began for your dad?
Yeah I think so - just to embrace the Beatles legacy rather than running away from it.
Q. When you started performing, you used the name Light - was that an attempt to hide your identity?
Not really - I was just more inclined to have a band name that was a rock 'n' roll name that was spiritual. "And here is Light!" If I ever get to Wembley Stadium, that was what I had in mind.
I guess light is a common theme throughout religion and spirituality. Hindus worship light and it's something which is seen as being spiritual and divine.

Q. Have you always wanted to be a musician?
Yes - when I got to a certain age, I realised that I was somewhat better than other kids at school at guitar and took pride and enjoyment in that.
I then dreamt of being better than The Beatles. I'm not sure if I can do that. If anything, I would love to be equal to The Beatles - but even that's quite tough.
Q. How do you feel about people making the connection and comparison between you and your father?
I think it's great, I think it's an honour. I don't really think I am quite as good as The Beatles or my father but there are definitely influences.
Q. Is it a help or a hindrance having the name McCartney?
It's a help. It can be difficult standing on your own two feet but more than anything it's a help.
Q. What's it like working with your dad as well as having the family relationship?
It's amazing. Sometimes in the past, a few years ago, it can be difficult, it can be tense, like families can get. But beyond that it's beautiful.
He's a genius, he's beyond genius, and he's a big inspiration. Very intellectual and obviously amazing at what he does, so it's great fun. He helps me get in tune with myself and be the best person that I can be.
Q. What has his role been as co-producer?
Just directing me and having some ideas of what instruments we should put on, or encouraging me to sing a bit better or do another take. Also the arrangement or structure of the track and mixes - the whole process.
Q. Your dad hasn't tried to warn you off the music business?
No, not at all. He's very encouraging.
Q. When you were growing up, at what point did you realise your dad was famous?
I always realised that, when there were fans around who would ask for autographs and would always ask for mine sometimes. I would decline because my parents encouraged us to live a somewhat private life.
Q. What would you say to forming The Beatles - The Next Generation, with Sean Lennon, Dhani Harrison and Zak Starkey [Ringo Starr's son]?
I don't think it's something that Zak wants to do. Maybe Jason [another of Starr's sons and also drummer] would want to do it. I'd be up for it. Sean seemed to be into it, Dhani seemed to be into it. I'd be happy to do it.
Q. Has it been mooted?
Yeah, a little bit.
Q. Do you think it could happen?
Yeah, hopefully, naturally. I don't know, you'd have to wait and see. The will of God, nature's support, I guess. So yeah, maybe.
James McCartney was speaking to BBC News entertainment reporter Ian Youngs.


  1. Wow james seems to be everywhere today, newspappers,radio, and television,he's even trending on twitter lol. just saw him on the BBC with Zaina Badawi,he seemed moreconfortable during the interview.

  2. Aw James wants to have a family and if he has a son he'll name him James,so cute.
    Hey James I'm available lol.
