

Paul's Bride? It Wasn't Meant To Be


  1. Yes,It wasn't meant to be,they weren't made for each other I think,they both had long happy marriages with other partners,even if Jane had to break her husband's first marriage to do so.
    Anyway they looked great together though!

  2. I thought Gerald was already divorced when he got with Jane?

    I should note that to this present day, Jane's sophisticated manners is still in Paul's brain from the Scotland farm, St. John's Wood, his love for ballet, theatre plays, etc. If Jane didn't matter to him, then Scotland farm and St. John's Wood would've been long gone sold and he would be a complete New York-style Liverpulian scruff

    I don't understand why McCartney fans tend to place Jane in the Heather Mills category to Forget They Existed (with Dorothy Rhone and Francie Scwartz) while Linda and Nancy are Goddesses to Worship.

  3. I didn't know many placed her in the Heather/Francie category.

    After all, she did nothing wrong to him. HE was the one who cheated on her all the time.

  4. It's totaly the opposite impression that I have,I think that Jane is realy loved by Mccartney fans,probably for being a class act and not cashing on her ex fiancee reputation,she never answer questions about her relationship with Paul,saying politely that it's part of her personal life and she's been doing so for forty years.
    I for one like and respect her for that.

  5. Putting Jane in the same category than Heather or Francie,is palin stupid,Francie was a fling,Heather "I'm a gold digger" a huge mistake.Jane was and is still a clss act,who never spilled the bean about Paul,she respected his privacy and I think he respect her for that!

    1. Francie- fling
      Heather- gold digger
      what about Dorothy Rhone?

  6. Come on people no body cuold be in the same category than gold digger Heather Mills,not even Yoko,and god knows thet I don'r like her .
    I agree Jane is a classy ,talented and lovely Lady.

  7. I think that "Dot" was his first serious relationship.

  8. I don´t put Jane in the same category than Heather, but I think she was just a teenage infatuation after all.
